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Jeff Bailey

Avita Yoga® with Jeff Bailey

A session with Jeff Bailey (Founder Avita Yoga®, Teacher, Author)

About this Session

Join Jeff Bailey for a one-hour guided Avita Yoga class that targets inner blockages to freedom and peace. Is this not our yoga? The Course asks us NOT to seek for freedom and peace but merely to seek, find and remove the barriers to them. Avita is unlike any yoga you may know. The only requirement for Avita is that you can get up and down from the floor. Three feet of clear wall space and a yoga mat are preferred but not necessary. A firm pillow or bolster and a yoga strap is also helpful. A long scarf, bathrobe belt, or similar will substitute for the strap if you don't have one. Lastly, you may opt-out of video, but it works best to see your profile.

April 17, 2021, 02:15 PM

02:15 PM - 03:00 PM

About The Speakers

Jeff Bailey

Jeff Bailey

Founder Avita Yoga®, Teacher, Author